HarborOne Foundation, MA & NH

The HarborOne Foundation mission is to strengthen and empower individuals and families by investing in highly effective non-profit organizations that are creating positive and lasting change in local communities where we live and work.

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About the HarborOne Foundation

Since its inception, the HarborOne Foundation has contributed close to Two Million Dollars to non-profit organizations located across Southeastern MA, Greater Boston, and Southern NH in support of individuals and families. The Foundation's work seeks to provide greater access and equity in the areas of educational opportunity, safe and affordable housing and basic needs.

Grant Awards Range from $5,000-$25,000.

Investment Focus Areas

  • Education that fuels future economic success: Our education grants help empower people to build personal assets and skills to create opportunities for economic mobility.
  • Safe and affordable housing: Our affordable housing grants support access to safe, clean and affordable places to live.
  • Basic Human Services: Our basic human services grants support organizations that meet the immediate needs of individuals and families while also supporting prevention and long term solutions for people living in difficult economic circumstances. 

Eligibility for Grants

To apply for a grant from the HarborOne Foundation applicants must be:

  • A registered 501c3 organization who demonstrates significant local impact.
  • An organization whose mission or services align with HarborOne’s investment focus areas.
  • An organization within HarborOne's Geographic Preference areas primarily serving low to moderate income individuals and families.

Additional Eligibility Guidelines

Although there are many worthy endeavors, the Foundation generally does not invest in the causes listed below.

  • Individuals including those seeking scholarships, fellowships, or sponsors for a particular cause
  • Alumni organizations
  • Animal related causes e.g., rescue societies
  • Beauty pageants
  • Major capital or endowment campaigns
  • Fundraising dinners or events and tickets to fundraising events
  • Individual sports teams including youth sports teams and leagues
  • Advertising and promotional items or merchandise
  • Organizations designed primarily for lobbying, Political Action Committees, candidates, and lobbying
  • Single disease issues
  • Travel, including conferences, seminars, tours and student trips
  • The Foundation does not make grants to organizations for which program services are contingent on participation in religious services or events or adherence to religious doctrine.

Geographic Preference

  • Massachusetts: Cities and towns within the following counties: Bristol, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth and Suffolk.
  • New Hampshire: Greater Manchester area

The Foundation does not provide financial support to political organizations or candidates, activities for religious purposes, individual endeavors or organizations which are discriminatory in their practices. Additionally, it will not fund organizations which utilize a fiscal agent.

Grant Programs

The Foundation will consider the following types of funding requests from organizations that fit our investment focus areas.

  • General Operating Grants to support the organization’s mission where it is needed most during this time of crisis
  • Program Grants to support the delivery and/or expansion of the direct services core to the mission of local organizations.
  • Capital Grants and Campaigns will not be supported by the Foundation but may be selectively considered by HarborOne Bank.


Organizations are eligible to receive funding from the HarborOne Foundation only once per calendar year.

Deadlines and Review Process

Grants will be reviewed bi-annually by the Foundation Board of Directors. 

  • Open date: March 1, Deadline: May 1, Decision early July
  • Open date: August 1, Deadline: October 1, Decision early November

How to Apply

For your convenience, HarborOne Bank offers an online request process, which will help determine if your organization is eligible for support and collect all the information that we need to make a timely and informed decision.  If you have question in regards to the eligibility of your program please send an email to Foundation@HarborOne.Com before you begin your application. You can preview the Foundation application by clicking here.

First time applicants will be required to create a user name and password. This will allow organizations to track applications, funding decisions, as well as receive any follow up reports that need to be submitted. Applicants will have the option to save and finish their work at any time throughout the application process. After your initial account creation all subsequent times you visit the site you can simply login using your user name and password.

Our online application process has the following five steps:

  1. Eligibility Quiz: Applicants are required to complete an eligibility quiz to determine if their request meets basic eligibility requirements for support from the Foundation.
  2. Organization Information: Applicants are required to complete basic organizational information including the official organization name, address, website, tax id number and brief overview.
  3. Contact Information: Applicants are required to submit contact information for the individual filling out the application as well as the President/CEO/Executive Director of the organization.
  4. Project/Program Information: Applicants are required to submit information about the program that they are applying for including a program summary, goals, objective, metrics and budget narrative, and other supporting information.
  5. Attachments: Applicants are required to submit the following attachments as part of any funding request: 501c3 IRS Determination Letter, a W-9 Form with a revision date no older than 2018 is required, Detailed Organization and Program Budget, Latest Audited Financial Statements, Form 990, CV of President/CEO/Executive Director and list of Board of Directors. Please submit budgets in the Template Format provided.

Download the HarborOne Foundation Program and Organization Budget Template

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Please contact the HarborOne Foundation, MA & NH at Foundation@harborone.com.

To learn more about past grantees, check out HarborOne's press releases in our News section.